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With SusiBitmapUtilities, you are perfectly suited for image processing with Symbian OS 6.1. This package is inteded for developers in need of a compact, fast and top-quality solution for all types of graphical needs.

* .sus image format for fast image-loading
* compression of images
* supports masks and transparency
* easy interface intended for fast development
* package includes: loading, copying and managing of your images
* free for non-commercial use

>>> download


The ListenToSusi package compromises a complete sound engine for Symbian OS 6.1. Samples can be mixed or manipulated on arbitrary tracks. A simple API and good documention with examples provide a fast and easy start in the world of mobile music synthesis.

* managing of samples and midi
* integrated MOD player
* use as many channels as you need
* easy interface for fast development
* free for non-commercial use

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